What is Hair Miniaturization?

What is Hair Miniaturization?

Hair miniaturization is a natural process that occurs in 95% of all hair loss cases. Miniaturization is the starting point from which male pattern baldness occurs. It is a hormone-driven biological process in which hairs shrink in size over time, eventually leaving a bald scalp. Individual follicles & hair continue to shrink over time and eventually become dormant if left untreated.

It affects many men starting in their early age as puberty comes to an end. The hair starts to appear less dense and thinner before it eventually falls out. The onset of male pattern baldness begins with miniaturization and ends with fibrosis (or scarring) when the hair bulb and follicle disappear, but this takes years. In genetically-susceptible hair follicles, DHT leads to progressive shortening of the growth phase (anagen) of the hair cycle.

The hairs produced by these follicles are not able to grow to full size due to this shorter growth window and so they decrease in size (diameter and length) over time until they eventually disappear. Hair miniaturization is the key feature & main mechenism of Androgenic Alopecia. (genetic balding).

Normal scalp hair grows in follicular units made up of one to four terminal (full thickness) hairs. In any DHT susceptible follicle, terminal hairs might be in varying stages of miniaturization, and thus be of varying diameters. When enough terminal hairs are in a state of miniaturization, there appears to be a visible thinning of the hair in the affected areas leading to baldness.
losing their hair. If the person desires to save their hair and prevent further balding, now is the time to act.

What causes Hair Miniaturization?

Hair miniaturization can occur as a result of four different causes Genetics, Age, Nutrition and Hormone.
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