What is eyebrows hair transplant ?

What is eyebrows transplant?

For some people, an eyebrow transplant may sound somewhat completely ridiculous because they are used to short hair above their eyes, but for others, an eyebrow transplant may seem like a necessity. Our eyebrows make a very significant contribution to the contours of our face and we can be very self-conscious about our appearance to others and to the person, very fair, thin or even any eyebrows.

eyebrow hair transplant can help renew eyebrows appearance and restore confidence by giving your eyebrows a much fuller and more natural look. They can be performed either for medical or cosmetic purposes, with some losing eyebrows due to medical conditions and / or over-plucking, while others are naturally born with very thin or fair-colored eyebrows. And just for this reason Fuller can crave the brow.

So what happens in eyebrows transplant?

Eyebrow  hair transplants are commonly performed using the FUE method, which has recently increased in popularity to permanently restore hair in both men and women. The FUE process moves a small section of hair, usually from the back or sides of the scalp, and binds the hair in the eyebrow to enhance the existing eyebrow or replace them completely.

The skull is numb using local anesthetic and a small section is removed to be used as a graft. They are then separated into a single follicular graft by a technician and then these grafts are implanted one by one into the eyebrow. In a typical eyebrow hair transplant, approximately 300–400 grafts per eyebrow are used, which means that if you want to augment or replace both eyebrows, you are looking at 800 individual grafts.

What will happen next?

After your eyebrow hair transplant procedure, you will notice some immediate differences in the outline of your eyebrows, although it will take a few weeks for the hair to grow once the hair is normal. Because the transplanted hair is taken from the scalp, the used hair will grow just as it would naturally on the scalp, meaning that you will need regular trims and maintenance to ensure that they are not unruly. To ensure that they are fully mixed, they may sometimes need to curl to match the existing varieties.

The area will remain a little delicate and tender for a few days after the procedure, but will quickly return to normal, then within the next four to six months your new eyebrows will begin to grow and settle completely.

Why choose an eyebrow transplant?

There are many other methods of eyebrows restoration or ways to make your eyebrows fuller and thicker which may include tattoos or daily makeup applications, although one major drawback of both is when they compare to eyebrow hair implants. Both are semi-permanent and will therefore need to be re-applied or topped regularly. With an eyebrow hair transplant using your own natural hair, the results are completely natural and permanent and will give you long lasting confidence.


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