Mustache Hair Transplant

Having a thick stylish beard is every person's dream and especially in India where the beard is known to represent men's masculinity and an attractive factor. Previously, people with thin beards or patchy beards had to face considerable embarrassment due to lack of availability of hair transplant. Nowadays, beard transplant has come a long way in terms of technology and anyone can get the beard of desire if candidature is acceptable.

What causes beard and mustache hair loss?

Genetics: It is the most common cause of beard and mustache baldness inherited from heredity.
Hormones: Male hormones especially testosterone can be one of the major culprits when it comes to thong beards and thin mustaches. There are possibilities where reduced hormonal effects may affect the development of beards and mustaches due to weak blood supply in the respective areas.
Basic lifestyle changes: "Eat right and stay fit" is also ideal for your overall health, for the health of your beard. Stress, poor nutrition, biotin and niacin deficiency diet can be an important factor for your belly shave.
Trauma and scarring: Sometimes people often lose hair due to healing scars due to accidental events, it can also cause hair loss in that particular area.
Alopecia areata: This is an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss in any part of the body including beard and mustache.

Beard hair transplant and mustache hair transplant methods:

The basic procedure involves the extraction of hair follicles from the back of the head or under the chin. Once the hair follicles are cut, the surgeon implants them to patch the bald area into the molar area. The maximum number of hair follicle grafts required for a fuller beard and mustache is about 2500 grafts. Beard and mustache hair transplant is more tangled and artistic as hair changes and angles of direction in different areas of beard and mustache. Thus it requires expert hands, careful planning, and artistic approach by the surgeon to understand the natural pattern. Some experienced surgeons use single hair placement on each site for added natural look.

There are two main techniques of harvesting grafts:

FUT (follicular unit implant or strip technique): This involves the removal of a thin part of the skull in the form of a strip, after which the follicular graft is separated under magnification and then grafted onto the recipient area. is.
This involves the extraction of individual 'follicular units' with the aid of motorized or manual surgical equipment after implantation of grafts at the recipient site.
The choice of technique varies the number of grafts required, the quality of hair in the donut area, and the range of density. Typically the number of grafts required for beard and mustache hairs up to 2000–2500 is implanted, where FUE may be a preferred technique.

What is the value of this:

The cost can vary from clinic to clinic, depending on the required graph and reputation of the clinic. Except some clinics, most clinics charge per session. The price per graft usually varies from 20–120 INR per graft depending on the reputation of the clinic. The cost-per-graph model is helpful because most cases can be executed in a single session, but different numbers of grafts are used. Many mustache and bearded hair transplant clinics offer cheap transplants, but it is necessary to assess the reliability of these clinics as it is a question of your face.

The Medispa Hair Transplant Center in Delhi and Jaipur has become a famous site for hair transplant of beard and mustache among national and international patients. We promise the best natural results from the beard and mustache hair transplant to fulfill the wishes of the patient.


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