How to Increase Hair Growth Rate After a Hair Transplant

Hair story!

Hair loss is a common and recurring problem facing this generation. Not only does it threaten you every day, it can put your career at risk. And, if you see yourself balding in the mirror, then you will definitely have nightmares. In this case, you can choose from many cosmetic surgeries that have recently become popular. One of the most popular is hair transplantation. But have you ever considered whether hair will grow faster after hair transplantation. Well, after the treatment, whether the hair will grow back or there is still cloudiness. To answer such questions, let's venture step by step to explore how to increase hair growth after hair transplantation. After all, you should have a clear idea about this, because you have invested ransom for the kidnapped hair.

Hair transplant follow-up-step by step guide

These 7 steps will give you an idea of ​​what should or should not be done after hair transplantation:

Step 1: Clean and care your hair

It is important to wash your hair to prevent black sc from appearing around your hair shaft.
Allows gentle washing and slapping action with a small amount of flowing water. best hair transplant surgeon in delhi However, severe friction will cause the graft to fall off.

Step 2: Diet

Dietary factors play a vital role in hair growth. Eat foods high in protein. It helps keep hair healthy. Your diet chart should include fish oil, spinach, walnuts, almonds, and fruits.
A lot of water is one of the best things you can do, it can protect your hair and make it no longer lost.

Step 3: Drugs

Try to supplement vitamin B6 capsules. You can also prescribe through your doctor or buy several other good quality and effective capsules from your local drug store. You can try using finasteride. hair transplant in delhi This is the best medicine. Herbs are not particularly effective for hair loss. As experts at Bernstein Medical have said, the use of adrenaline may reduce the shedding to some extent.

Step 4: Fashion-Pause

Avoid all fashion declarations. Do not indulge in hairstyles or fiddle with your hair.
Do not blow dry your hair. Try to air dry instead of using a towel.

Step 5: Check for skin problems

If white spots appear on the scalp, they may become hydrated during transplantation. This will not worry you, as they will recover on their own. fue transplant delhi If pimples appear, let them resolve them by themselves. Do not scratch acne. If they persist, it's best to see a doctor.

Step 6: Other measures

Protect the scalp from sunlight for about a month. When outdoors, you should wear a hat or sunscreen. After two days of hair transplantation, you can resume moderate exercise. You can massage your scalp ten days after surgery. If you are a smoker, you should wait at least 10 days after the operation. The longer the time, the better the effect.

Step 7: What you need to know: About hair growth and fall

After repairing the hair, the stubble that has fallen off comes off, and then new growth begins within three to four months after surgery. FUE Hair Transplant in Delhi When newly transplanted hair begins to fall out, the hair growth process becomes asynchronous. Generally, growth occurs in waves, so initially some areas have more hair than others. Over the course of a year, the cycle becomes uniform and the hair thickens to its final diameter.

When you have a hair transplant, your doctor can't guarantee to control your stress. Therefore, if you find some shock-induced hair loss, do it after surgery; understand that this is a normal physiological response to stress.

It usually takes a year to see complete hair growth results. Between the sixth and eighth months, hair transplants begin to become combable. Over the course of a year, hair gradually thickens and length increases. Overall, there may be some changes in the overall characteristics of the hair. During this time, hair tends to become softer and less tangled.

in conclusion:

Finally, hair transplants are an important milestone in your life. Women are more likely to have hair transplants than men. Because women have more follicles in the donor area than men, it is easier for doctors to perform this transplant. Compared to men, the results are usually better. Always recommend the best surgeon to perform such an important operation for you. scalp hair transplant In short, cosmetic surgery works best when you weigh all the pros and cons. When a successful assessment is performed correctly, and appropriate postoperative care and maintenance are performed, you will often get the desired results. Hair growth is part of our natural body processes. With this type of surgery, you can see the side effects. But off-the-shelf treatments often restore and balance the natural growth of hair.

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