Hair Transplant Surgery: The Different Surgical Techniques

Today, many men and women suffer from hair loss. As a result, they must look for effective hair repair therapies. If you encounter the same problem, you must seek effective remedies with all sincerity and dedication. It is true that many options are available through the Internet. Therefore, choosing an effective therapy is not as easy as you think. If you want to find an effective method, you need to do some research. If you want a hair transplant to get paid, you have to spend some time.

What kind of surgery do you need?

Currently, only two effective hair loss therapies are available on the market. These methods have a good record and are able to produce satisfactory results. Best hair transplant surgeon in Delhi Among the two methods, one has a good success rate in follicular unit extraction and growth. Moreover, it is also more cost-effective than other methods.

What is your best choice?

Hair follicle unit transplantation or band transplantation is the most effective hair transplantation method. If you wish to perform the maximum number of transplants (approximately 3500 to 6000) in one session, you should choose FUG. The method involves removing the scalp tops from the donor area. hair transplant cost in Delhi The scalp hair has an intrinsic ability to grow wherever you are. If the scalp has the best elasticity, it will make a huge difference in the hair growth effect.

The scalp consists of a solid staple clip that begins to relax after 10-14 days. Follicular unit transplantation usually causes small scars at the point of extraction or transplantation. Qualified surgeons will always adhere to the latest technology to provide optimal hair growth. Surgery with the latest surgical techniques will make scars almost invisible. The FUG method usually offers many options and can produce very effective results. With the FUG porting technology, a completely bald man can now have full hair.

The second most effective hair transplant technique is called follicular unit extraction or perforation grafting. In this method, the doctor typically extracts hair (in groups of 1-4) from the back or side of the head. In this technique, the surgeon must use a specific tool to make a 1 mm incision to remove follicles.FUE Hair Transplant in Delhi  Even if the scar is literally untrackable, it will remain on the head. This technology allows doctors to implant between 2,000 and 3,000 follicular units at a time. This technology is usually ideal for short-term meetings.

Think about the issues you need to consider before answering the call

Cost is a key factor in every aspect of our lives. Therefore, you must consider the cost of surgery before choosing a hair transplant. Body hair transplant Try and verify your eligibility criteria before entering the knife. If you want to build confidence before surgery, look for a reliable surgeon.

Is the surgery injured?

In the first phase, you will initially feel 5-6 needles. The doctor makes the area insensitive by piercing the small needle into the area. After that, you will no longer experience painful moments. However, you can always tell your doctor if you feel any pain after anesthesia.

Choosing the right hair transplant technology will permanently eliminate all your social shackles.


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